Labour Market

Bauarbeiter auf den Strassen Zürichs im Strassenbau

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Our goal is to rapidly and sustainably integrate job seekers into the labour market. In this endeavour, we support both job seekers and employers looking to hire.

A stable labour market

A stable labor market is a key to a strong Zurich economy. Here you will find more up-to-date information on the Zurich economy and labor market. 

Efficient staffing 

Due to the excellent state of the economy, specialists are sought after more than ever, which is why filling a vacancy with a suitable, skilled worker is not easy for companies and requires a lot of resources. The regional employment agencies of the Department for Economic Affairs support job seekers and employers with their expertise and years of experience. With our help, companies quickly find the specialist they are looking for. We know the labour market in the Canton of Zurich and its specific requirements and demands. 

Contact for financial matters

As the public unemployment insurance fund of the Canton of Zurich, we support those affected by loss of earnings in financial matters, offer them advice on all aspects of unemployment insurance and thus enable them to concentrate fully on their job search.

With our services for employers, we help to reduce unemployment by paying out compensation for work lost due to economic or weather-related reasons, thereby ensuring that jobs are maintained.

Hans Rupp

Head of the Office for Labour

Walchestrasse 19, 8090 Zürich

Dr. Ursula Gehbauer Tichler, Head of the Office for Economy and Labour


Office for Labour


Walchestrasse 19
8090 Zürich
Route (Google)


+41 43 259 60 60

Monday to Friday
8am to 12am
1pm to 5pm
